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South Dakota

South Dakota Public Holidays

South Dakota’s state holidays are listed below for current and future years.

South Dakota recognizes the same public holidays as the federal government. The state also recognizes Native American Day on the second Monday in October as a legal holiday. On this holiday, South Dakotans focus on the culture, traditions and background of Native American people. The holiday replaces Columbus Day in the state.

If New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Veteran’s Day or Christmas fall on a Sunday, it is observed on Monday. If those holidays fall on a Saturday, they are celebrated on Friday.

2024 Holidays

1 JanMonNew Year's Day
15 JanMonMartin Luther King Jr. Birthday
19 FebMonPresident's Day
27 MayMonMemorial Day
19 JunWedJuneteenth
4 JulThuIndependence Day
2 SepMonLabor Day
14 OctMonNative American Day
11 NovMonVeterans Day
28 NovThuThanksgiving Day
25 DecWedChristmas Day
Visit for the original release.

2025 Holidays

1 JanWedNew Year's Day
20 JanMonMartin Luther King Jr. Birthday
17 FebMonPresident's Day
26 MayMonMemorial Day
19 JunThuJuneteenth
4 JulFriIndependence Day
1 SepMonLabor Day
13 OctMonNative American Day
11 NovTueVeterans Day
27 NovThuThanksgiving Day
25 DecThuChristmas Day
Visit for the original release.

2026 Holidays

1 JanThuNew Year's Day
19 JanMonMartin Luther King Jr. Birthday
16 FebMonPresident's Day
25 MayMonMemorial Day
19 JunFriJuneteenth
4 JulSatIndependence Day
7 SepMonLabor Day
12 OctMonNative American Day
11 NovWedVeterans Day
26 NovThuThanksgiving Day
25 DecFriChristmas Day
Visit for the original release.

2027 Holidays

1 JanFriNew Year's Day
18 JanMonMartin Luther King Jr. Birthday
15 FebMonPresident's Day
31 MayMonMemorial Day
18 JunFriJuneteenth Holiday
19 JunSatJuneteenth
4 JulSunIndependence Day
5 JulMonIndependence Day Holiday
6 SepMonLabor Day
11 OctMonNative American Day
11 NovThuVeterans Day
25 NovThuThanksgiving Day
24 DecFriChristmas Holiday
25 DecSatChristmas Day
31 DecFriNew Year Holiday
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2027 are released.